Dear Friends,
The early church came together across previously unimaginable social and political boundaries in the name of Jesus for mutual support, encouragement, and to grow in the knowledge and love of God.
We welcome you to attend our in person worship at 9:00 a.m. on Sundays. We sincerely hope that people will feel comfortable and safe returning to in-person worship. Even so, some will not feel safe or face a greater risk, and so we will provide a Zoom link and Facebook live stream to the in-person worship as a way of keeping our community together in worship.
This has been a long journey that is not quite at its end, but I am hopeful, along with the Vestry, that we will be able to travel this last stage together with a renewed sense of hope and purpose in our mission to share the love of God with all the world.
If you choose to continue to join us on Zoom (link below) or Facebook (
Click here to access the Sunday service bulletin.
Click here to join our Zoom live for any of our services
Access 1.14.2024 'The Rule of Life: an ordered way to follow Jesus'
Join us for the Rite II Holy Eucharist service with Rev. Lenny Anderson, celebrant who will preach, at 9 a.m. at the Cathedral, or watch this service livestream via Zoom (instructions & link below) or on our Facebook page (to find us on Facebook type in @cathedralec).
There is a link embedded in the middle of the invitation. To use this link, you have to download the free "Zoom" app to your smartphone, tablet, or computer. If you have that app on your device, all you have to do is click the link on the email and you will automatically connect. (Be sure to allow the app to access your camera and microphone, if requested.
If you don't want to use the app, or are using a device that can't download the app, you can go to the website for Zoom: On the upper right hand side of your screen, there will be a tab titled "Join a Meeting." Click on that tab and you will be prompted to enter a "Meeting ID or Personal Link Name." The "Meeting ID" can be found toward the bottom of the invitation. I've highlighted it in red to be easier to find. In the case of this meeting, the ID is: 924 746 7996. Just enter those digits without a space or dashes and click enter. From there, you'll be prompted to allow access to your camera/microphone.
If you don't have access to a smartphone/tablet/computer with a camera and microphone and want to join the meeting as a phone call, there is a number listed just above the Meeting ID that you can call. That will connect you to the meeting with audio only. Those numbers are in red in the invitation. For this meeting, the best number is: 1 312 626 6799
Join Zoom Meeting
click here to join the meeting
Meeting ID: 924 746 7996
Password: 814057
One tap mobile
+13126266799,,9247467996# US (Chicago)
+16465588656,,9247467996# US (New York)
Dial by your location
+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
+1 646 558 8656 US (New York)
+1 253 215 8782 US
+1 301 715 8592 US
+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
+1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose)
Meeting ID: 924 746 7996
Password: 814057
Find your local number: click here
Click here to access the bulletin for Sunday service.
Access 1.14.2024 'The Rule of Life: an ordered way to follow Jesus'
Chippewa Valley Street Ministry Journal ~ August 25, 2024
We would love for you to join us this Sunday, at 9 a.m., for the Easter V Rite II Holy Eucharist service with Rev. Lenny Anderson, who will preach, in-person, via Zoom or Facebook live.
There is a link embedded in the middle of the invitation. To use this link, you have to download the free "Zoom" app to your smartphone, tablet, or computer. Click HERE to download the free app, just choose the correct version for the device you have. If you already have the app on your device, all you have to do is click the link below to automatically connect. (Be sure to allow the app to access your camera and microphone, if requested.)
If you don't want to use the app, or are using a device that can't download the app, you can go to the website: Zoom: or click HERE. Enter a "Meeting ID or Personal Link Name." The "Meeting ID" is: 924 746 7996. Just enter those digits without a space or dashes and click enter. From there, you'll be prompted to allow access to your camera/microphone.
If you don't have access to a smartphone/tablet/computer with a camera and microphone and want to join the meeting as a phone call, there is a number listed just above the Meeting ID that you can call. That will connect you to the meeting with audio only. Those numbers are in red in the invitation. For this meeting, the best number is: 1 312 626 6799
Click HERE to join the service via Zoom
Meeting ID: 924 746 7996
Password: 814057
Click Here to access the Sunday bulletin.
Access 1.14.2024 'The Rule of Life: an ordered way to follow Jesus'
I am reaching out on behalf of DECI (Downtown Eau Claire, Inc.) Our biggest event of the year is just two weeks away and we are hoping to finalize our volunteer list.
We'd absolutely love to have your support at this fun and engaging event. If you are interested, can you please fill out the following form at your earliest convenience: https://www.
All volunteers will be receiving a T-shirt and we will want to get those sizes submitted for printing. Additionally, if you know of anyone else who might be interested, please share this opportunity with them.
To learn more about this amazing downtown event, please visit our website: https://www.
We still need a few people to sign up for:
Tuesday, September 10:
1 pan of 24 ham and cheese sliders.
Friday, September 13:
1 large chicken pot pie, a tossed salad with dressing, and dessert.
Tuesday, September 10 & Friday, September 13 are Christ Church Cathedral's turn to be blessed by providing dinner for the residents and overnight staff of The Beacon House. The food needs to be delivered to the Beacon House by 5:00 p.m. on the date you sign up for.
New: sign up to stay, serve and share a meal with the residents. (dinner is served at 5:30 PM)
Beacon House staff members are taking turns covering the overnight needs. They have asked for a $70/night donation to help defray the cost of paying the staff to cover what volunteers would normally have provided.
There is currently a nut allergy. Please note that the number can vary pretty extensively from day to day. If you sign up, we will contact you directly with any changes to the number of guests we are providing for.
Please review the available slots below and click on the button to sign up. Thank you!
Click on the "Sign Up Genius" link below to sign up today!
If you have questions please text or call Christa Cates (715) 835-3734. Thank You So Much!
Rite II with Eucharist service – 9:00 AM;
In person, Zoom and Facebook live.
Click here to join Sunday morning Zoom service
Holy Days – Eucharist as announced in the Weekly Update